Monday, August 1, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 60

Campus Cru for Christ’s Chicago Summer Project 2011
August 1st…DAY 60:

Temperatures soar to record heights and as the heat reaches dangerous levels, tensions also rise.  At this stage in the game we have been running the race hard and everything is out on the table.  We are raw, real, and at the risk of heat exhaustion.  As we walk the streets and gauge the campuses, we take care to drink in plenty of fluids.  We also take care to drink in the Living Water—the only source of true refreshing and revitalization.  We have also grown so tight as family and community that know each other’s weaknesses and struggles.  Indeed we have gotten a chance to learn true Biblical, Christ-centered, God-Honoring conflict resolution.  It is a beautiful picture of sin being brought to the surface and dealt with and what better a place could there be than this project for this to occur!  Praise God!  There is no time for walls, masks, or passivity!  Instead we are choosing the raw, the real, the open, the light! (1 John). 
Truly God’s grace abounds as does the love of Christ as our team only grows stronger!  In the heat of the days, in the heat of intensity, in the heat of urgency, in the heat of the battle physical and the battle spiritual we are refined.  Proverbs 27: 17 says “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  1 Peter 1:7 says that we are gold refined in fire!  This is so fitting as our faith is tested and refined and we become further purified.  We go through the blazing fires to be cast in Christ’s image, stronger than ever before.
Heat indexes say it is over 100 degrees and the world says “Stay in!  Its too hot out there!”
The time is now and as the end of project draws near the heat of urgency increases.  The desire which God has placed in our hearts to see His work done, His Kingdom expanded, and His name glorified burns wildly in our hearts.  The fire is lit under our seat, so to speak, and we feverishly go out in steps of faith in Christ’s name and all with great joy!  As we run the race we realize that we can run hard, straining towards the goal, or we can burn out.  However, we are so fortunate, so blessed, to be in this green house.  Summer Project is like a green house in which we reside and God pours the light of His love in on us in concentrated doses…and we get to soak in His renewing truth.
Project has been a great time of learning!  We have learned so much in various modes.  I have learned so much about myself, my position in Him, about community, about ministry techniques, and most importantly about God.  Some of these truths have been hard and at times the Gospel has felt like sand-paper, but at times it has been like silk.  We laugh, we cry, we live life together with Christ our King.  There has been great teaching and there have been great moments here.   God speaks in ways new to us—in revolutionary ways.  God is moving! 
As many of you know…I was struggling with many issues coming into project.  I was burnt out, exhausted and many old issues (anxiety, anger, and such) had resurfaced.  I was struggling with feeling like a burden and failure.  In addition, God had surfaced some sin issues He specifically wanted to deal with.  He deemed me ready to face those things with Him.  Indeed I have been dealing with them with God:  giving them over to Him more and more.  He has worked on my heart and challenged me to pursue Him like never before…as He relentlessly and lovingly pursues me first.
We heard a sermon at Willow Chicago that was so powerful…for me.  It was what I call a 180 moment or a turnaround moment—a reminder of God’s character.  It was so amazing because it was as though the sermon was literally tailor made—designed, planned, written, and delivered specifically to me.  It was God speaking directly to me and it was so humbling, encouraging, powerful, and beautiful!  I feel like I cannot do justice to how big this moment was—words seem to be failing me at the moment—but I will say this:  please do not ever believe that God does not answer prayers or that He does not speak directly to you through some facet.  He knows your every need and cares for you in ways you cannot imagine.  The sermon talked about being in the ‘Land of in Between’…in a desert.  The pastor discussed Exodus and Numbers.  He talked about how the Israelites were not in Canaan (the land of fruitfulness) or Egypt (the land of slavery), they were in the land between.  They were in the desert.  The pastor talked about how we can often look down on the people in these stories but that we are often where they were.  I realized I was in a ‘land between’…a desert.  He went on to discuss how people living in the ‘land between’ use language like ‘not yet’, ‘if only’, and ‘how could you’.  He said this place can be a fertile ground for complaint, for treason, rebellion, and destruction, or for God’s greatest work and your growth. 
Afterwards I felt the pull of the Holy Spirit to go forward and receive prayer.  I talked a bit with the man who would pray for me and I welled up in tears.  He said, “Two things come to mind” and he drew closer to me.  “First of all,” he said, “the fact that you came down here is evidence that the Holy Spirit is widening and opening your heart to receive this.  God is defiantly in your life.”  It was so encouraging.  Then he told me “I can tell you love people and want to serve, you want to help everyone…but you have to pull away sometimes.  You have to be careful with your ministry and with ministry in general…you can pour yourself out and be left empty…” he went on to tell me of the importance of doing ministry like Christ did, which meant I needed to pull away from time to time, to know what to say no to, and to take time for as much one on one time with the Lord.  Again it was as though this man had known me for years.  It was clear that God was speaking to him and through him.  He wrapped his arms around me and prayed for me.  It was amazing!
In a completely separate sermon by a different minister, God again provided.  He provided a solution.  In a powerful sermon by Darren Whitehead from New Zealand, God spoke and provided so much hope through what was—to me—a follow-up to the above mentioned sermon.  It was not intended to be but God used it as such.  Leaving me refreshed and renewed.
We have really bonded as a team and as small pockets or groups here.  We grow close through fun activities near or at the lofts and even adventures and specially planned events.  In addition, discipleship, bible studies, impact (evangelism) team, training, project jobs, worship and main Chi-time meetings.  God is truly bringing the refreshing rains of glory. 
Praise God for actual rain too
My friend Jose from work (whom is not a believer) came to our Chi-time meeting.   We were able to show him the love of Christ in many ways:  a meal, friendship, testimony sharing, and a main meeting talk.  He commented that we were like a big family and that he was grateful and wanted to stay in touch.

Since Jose came to Chi-Time I hadn’t gotten to talk with him much.  I was worried that he was made uncomfortable by the spoken truth of God.  To an extent, you want non-believers to be uncomfortable about what they hear because what they hear should make them uncomfortable about where they are in life.  The Holy Spirit works through the speaking of God’s Word to break the heart open for God’s glory!  However, I did not want him to feel put on the spot. 
Praise be to God:  Jose has began to ask me questions.  My hope is Jose needed some time to process and now is ready to ask questions.

Last thoughts:
We have gotten to participate in Willow Chicago’s 5 Loaves program.  5 Loaves is homeless assistance and outreach program.  Through the program we are able to get to know the local homeless and transients of Chicago and build relationships with them.  We serve them breakfast, sit and identify ourselves with them, and we do a bible study and sharing time.  I got to lead bible study for that which was humbling and a blessing.
I have been blessed to play worship…we are doing an extended set for our last official CRU meeing!

 God brings the refreshing and renewing rains to revitalize the branches of the vine, that they might once again bear fruit for His glory.

-The community, fellowship, family here on CSP2011
-Growth in our walks
-Renewing and refreshing from God
-God directly speaking to me
-Jose coming to Chi-Time and hearing the gospel
-Gospel shared on campus and at work
-Jose asking questions

Prayer Requests:
-Pray for Jose
-For ministry, gospel presentation opportunities
-Success with our project jobs and for God to be honored and glorified in that
-Follow-ups with contacts (people we’ve ministered to)
-Follow-ups with jobs for employment opportunities next year

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