Monday, August 1, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 60

Campus Cru for Christ’s Chicago Summer Project 2011
August 1st…DAY 60:

Temperatures soar to record heights and as the heat reaches dangerous levels, tensions also rise.  At this stage in the game we have been running the race hard and everything is out on the table.  We are raw, real, and at the risk of heat exhaustion.  As we walk the streets and gauge the campuses, we take care to drink in plenty of fluids.  We also take care to drink in the Living Water—the only source of true refreshing and revitalization.  We have also grown so tight as family and community that know each other’s weaknesses and struggles.  Indeed we have gotten a chance to learn true Biblical, Christ-centered, God-Honoring conflict resolution.  It is a beautiful picture of sin being brought to the surface and dealt with and what better a place could there be than this project for this to occur!  Praise God!  There is no time for walls, masks, or passivity!  Instead we are choosing the raw, the real, the open, the light! (1 John). 
Truly God’s grace abounds as does the love of Christ as our team only grows stronger!  In the heat of the days, in the heat of intensity, in the heat of urgency, in the heat of the battle physical and the battle spiritual we are refined.  Proverbs 27: 17 says “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  1 Peter 1:7 says that we are gold refined in fire!  This is so fitting as our faith is tested and refined and we become further purified.  We go through the blazing fires to be cast in Christ’s image, stronger than ever before.
Heat indexes say it is over 100 degrees and the world says “Stay in!  Its too hot out there!”
The time is now and as the end of project draws near the heat of urgency increases.  The desire which God has placed in our hearts to see His work done, His Kingdom expanded, and His name glorified burns wildly in our hearts.  The fire is lit under our seat, so to speak, and we feverishly go out in steps of faith in Christ’s name and all with great joy!  As we run the race we realize that we can run hard, straining towards the goal, or we can burn out.  However, we are so fortunate, so blessed, to be in this green house.  Summer Project is like a green house in which we reside and God pours the light of His love in on us in concentrated doses…and we get to soak in His renewing truth.
Project has been a great time of learning!  We have learned so much in various modes.  I have learned so much about myself, my position in Him, about community, about ministry techniques, and most importantly about God.  Some of these truths have been hard and at times the Gospel has felt like sand-paper, but at times it has been like silk.  We laugh, we cry, we live life together with Christ our King.  There has been great teaching and there have been great moments here.   God speaks in ways new to us—in revolutionary ways.  God is moving! 
As many of you know…I was struggling with many issues coming into project.  I was burnt out, exhausted and many old issues (anxiety, anger, and such) had resurfaced.  I was struggling with feeling like a burden and failure.  In addition, God had surfaced some sin issues He specifically wanted to deal with.  He deemed me ready to face those things with Him.  Indeed I have been dealing with them with God:  giving them over to Him more and more.  He has worked on my heart and challenged me to pursue Him like never before…as He relentlessly and lovingly pursues me first.
We heard a sermon at Willow Chicago that was so powerful…for me.  It was what I call a 180 moment or a turnaround moment—a reminder of God’s character.  It was so amazing because it was as though the sermon was literally tailor made—designed, planned, written, and delivered specifically to me.  It was God speaking directly to me and it was so humbling, encouraging, powerful, and beautiful!  I feel like I cannot do justice to how big this moment was—words seem to be failing me at the moment—but I will say this:  please do not ever believe that God does not answer prayers or that He does not speak directly to you through some facet.  He knows your every need and cares for you in ways you cannot imagine.  The sermon talked about being in the ‘Land of in Between’…in a desert.  The pastor discussed Exodus and Numbers.  He talked about how the Israelites were not in Canaan (the land of fruitfulness) or Egypt (the land of slavery), they were in the land between.  They were in the desert.  The pastor talked about how we can often look down on the people in these stories but that we are often where they were.  I realized I was in a ‘land between’…a desert.  He went on to discuss how people living in the ‘land between’ use language like ‘not yet’, ‘if only’, and ‘how could you’.  He said this place can be a fertile ground for complaint, for treason, rebellion, and destruction, or for God’s greatest work and your growth. 
Afterwards I felt the pull of the Holy Spirit to go forward and receive prayer.  I talked a bit with the man who would pray for me and I welled up in tears.  He said, “Two things come to mind” and he drew closer to me.  “First of all,” he said, “the fact that you came down here is evidence that the Holy Spirit is widening and opening your heart to receive this.  God is defiantly in your life.”  It was so encouraging.  Then he told me “I can tell you love people and want to serve, you want to help everyone…but you have to pull away sometimes.  You have to be careful with your ministry and with ministry in general…you can pour yourself out and be left empty…” he went on to tell me of the importance of doing ministry like Christ did, which meant I needed to pull away from time to time, to know what to say no to, and to take time for as much one on one time with the Lord.  Again it was as though this man had known me for years.  It was clear that God was speaking to him and through him.  He wrapped his arms around me and prayed for me.  It was amazing!
In a completely separate sermon by a different minister, God again provided.  He provided a solution.  In a powerful sermon by Darren Whitehead from New Zealand, God spoke and provided so much hope through what was—to me—a follow-up to the above mentioned sermon.  It was not intended to be but God used it as such.  Leaving me refreshed and renewed.
We have really bonded as a team and as small pockets or groups here.  We grow close through fun activities near or at the lofts and even adventures and specially planned events.  In addition, discipleship, bible studies, impact (evangelism) team, training, project jobs, worship and main Chi-time meetings.  God is truly bringing the refreshing rains of glory. 
Praise God for actual rain too
My friend Jose from work (whom is not a believer) came to our Chi-time meeting.   We were able to show him the love of Christ in many ways:  a meal, friendship, testimony sharing, and a main meeting talk.  He commented that we were like a big family and that he was grateful and wanted to stay in touch.

Since Jose came to Chi-Time I hadn’t gotten to talk with him much.  I was worried that he was made uncomfortable by the spoken truth of God.  To an extent, you want non-believers to be uncomfortable about what they hear because what they hear should make them uncomfortable about where they are in life.  The Holy Spirit works through the speaking of God’s Word to break the heart open for God’s glory!  However, I did not want him to feel put on the spot. 
Praise be to God:  Jose has began to ask me questions.  My hope is Jose needed some time to process and now is ready to ask questions.

Last thoughts:
We have gotten to participate in Willow Chicago’s 5 Loaves program.  5 Loaves is homeless assistance and outreach program.  Through the program we are able to get to know the local homeless and transients of Chicago and build relationships with them.  We serve them breakfast, sit and identify ourselves with them, and we do a bible study and sharing time.  I got to lead bible study for that which was humbling and a blessing.
I have been blessed to play worship…we are doing an extended set for our last official CRU meeing!

 God brings the refreshing and renewing rains to revitalize the branches of the vine, that they might once again bear fruit for His glory.

-The community, fellowship, family here on CSP2011
-Growth in our walks
-Renewing and refreshing from God
-God directly speaking to me
-Jose coming to Chi-Time and hearing the gospel
-Gospel shared on campus and at work
-Jose asking questions

Prayer Requests:
-Pray for Jose
-For ministry, gospel presentation opportunities
-Success with our project jobs and for God to be honored and glorified in that
-Follow-ups with contacts (people we’ve ministered to)
-Follow-ups with jobs for employment opportunities next year

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 40(ish)

Campus Crusade for Christ’s Chicago Summer Project 2011

Day 40…sure, we’ll go with that…
My sincere apologies for the long absence…but we have been very busy…

I do have much to report…but first and foremost I want to share that a girl nicknamed Mush, who came to visit her friend who is here with us on project, accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior last night after the talk and worship!  God is moving here—we are praising Him for the many spiritual conversations we’ve had, for the new relationships blossoming; for hearts softening and breaking open for Him—for new believers; for the many challenges which God uses to grow us and make us over more in His image, likeness, and shape us in the image of Christ—the sanctification.  I apologize for the sporadic nature by which this update comes, but I am so excited and so pressed to get this information to you! 
Philippians 3:14
Big things are going on here:  Things much bigger than us.  There is so much I want to convey but the enormity of them is overwhelming and I am at a loss for the words which could properly articulate what is happening.  Thursday June 30th I had a meeting with my discipler.   We discussed my ‘project job’.  Our project jobs are the specific duties we are given in addition to our workplace and campus ministry and training.  As we met I was nervous about what the job would be; nervous with hopes and anticipation.  My discipler and I sat down to discuss…”Ops”, he said, would be my job.   It wasn’t what I had assumed.  I had calculated that my job would be outreach leader or action group leader.  English Club (international bible study) leader at very least, I thought.  Oh what pride.  It disgusts me, I choke on it as it comes forth from my mouth;  It makes me dizzy and ill to think about.  That pride and self-centeredness:  that sin revealed in my heart.  It is true that sometimes the Gospel feels like sandpaper…as the Holy Spirit reveals sin so that God can deal with it.  During these times we must remember that God loves us and this is why He reveals the sin: to show what Christ has paid for so that we may love Him more, and so that He can break us of it and sanctify us.  Sometimes sanctification hurts.  Sometimes God feels distant.  As I am learning not to rely on feelings but always remember the promises of God, I must rejoice in that refinement, for though it may hurt, it makes me more like Christ.
It did not help that when I asked what the Ops job entailed, my discipler replied:  “I did that job a couple years ago and I hated it, I dealt with money.”  My instant thought was:  “Putting me in charge of money is maybe the worst decision they could have made.”  Then the evil one began his full-force attack, playing on every insecurity and lie I believe about myself.  I began thinking:  “these people don’t know me and they stuck me in a position because they had nothing else for me.  They don’t think I’m capable they swept me under the rug.”  These attacks from the evil one were coupled with my own sin.  It became overwhelming. 
Praise God that my discipler apologized for misspeaking and got me connected with Bacho and Kevin—the project directors—and they explained to me exactly what my job entails.  They did not have to—and I certainly did not deserve it—but they were gracious enough to tell me why they gave me the job as well. 
Operations’ job is to be the liaison for the Lofts, to make sure that the people who have jobs are doing well at those jobs, to meet with bosses and set up jobs/secure positions for next year, to compile documents on people’s work and general project experience(s), and write a letter that summarizes the project for the sake of staff and students (that particular part of the job is incredibly similar to what I did for the Jesus Film East Asia project last year).  Money and budget are part of the job but not my job.  They explained to me that this job is vital because it determines the future of the project.  This job helps set up future projects.  As Bacho said, even though it’s a behind the scenes job, it’s still very important.  As David said, sometimes scholars and pastors are just doormen.  Not that I am a scholar or pastor by any means, but the point is that just as Bacho said:  every job has to be done.  However, this job is very important.  It’s not a doorman job.  Yet, just as it says in 1 Corinthians 12: 
12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves [4] or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.
14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many. 15 If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18 But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19 If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, [5] yet one body.
All the jobs, all the positions, are all very important.  It is sin to think that any one job is more or less valuable or needed than another.
It blows my mind that in my finite understanding and foolish pride I think “If they want this project to do well wouldn’t they put the person with all this experience in these position(s).” What God was and is teaching me is that I am not my ministry.  My identity, satisfaction, worth or value are not wrapped up in ministry, evangelism, leading bible study, or anything of those things.  Those things are all in Christ.  I know this truth, yet God is showing me, teaching me to trust Him with that in new circumstances.  Moreover, as my friend Jordan said, “Chris, would you grow in those positions or would you be comfortable?  You’d be comfortable.  You can still lead, you can still do evangelism, you can still help with other things—but this position will grow you.”  And it dawned on me by the grace of God, this truth:  far be it for me to hinder anyone’s growth or prevent anyone’s opportunities.  Furthermore, God is in charge and knows what’s best for all of us and this project in general.  Further still, the project directors walk in the Spirit and have been praying for the project and going over our applications before we even got to project.  They know us well.  Bacho and Kevin were gracious enough to inform me as to why they gave me the position: because of my experience on past projects, my maturity (being the older guy on project), and my ability to form relationships—all these things gifts from God that He is using for His glory.
I have also been blessed to learn that I will get to use my ability/training/gifts as a writer in this position.
I’m blessed that I also get to play guitar and bass for the worship band—I play two nights a week.
Just think, I had my scope—my vision—so narrow and self-absorbed, that I almost missed all the blessings God was bestowing on me and all the work He is doing.  Praise Him for turning me around—turning me back to Him.  
Thursday July 6th we had our Chi-Time meeting—as we do every Thursday.  However, this one was very different in that the project directors in fact turned project over to us the students!

I have been blessed to have some great conversations on campus and at work.  I’ve been given the opportunity to visit some of the other campuses that this team works on.  I got into a great conversation with some believers at University of Chicago, which was very encouraging.  I got in a conversation with 3 atheists at the Illinois Institute of Technology.   It’s crazy to see how God is so sovereign and ordains these conversations because one was from England, one from the Middle East, and one from China (where I’ve done ministry before).  The focus, however, turned to Gareth—the Englishman.  We had great conversation in which God used me to speak truth into his life.  As it turned out we are both into many of the same things and were able to converse and relate there.   When we did not agree, I let him talk and I listened, speaking truth when appropriate.  God brought us to the last question, which He told me to modify.  So I asked them bluntly, “Who is Jesus?”  He said he had no idea and even no idea if Jesus Christ ever really existed.  This was when God used the apologetics knowledge and other knowledge He has blessed me with for His glory.  God brought to my memory information about the validity and trustworthiness of scripture and from there, share the Gospel.    I was able to recommend some documentaries for him (as that was one of the things he and I shared interest in).  My hope is that this conversation got Gareth thinking and moved him from a -9 atheist to maybe a -7.  My hope is that God eventually breaks Gareth’s heart for the Lord.   
God also positioned me to become friends with a guy at work named Jose.  He was raised in a Christian home but is not a believer.  God has given me a spirit that puts Jose at ease.  He says he is able to feel comfortable around me, that I’m ‘good people’.  This is a gift from God.  Another gift from God is that we take the same way home from work.  Jose has shared with me that his father and his friend were both killed.  He shared many of his thoughts and concerns and troubles with me.  God allowed me to be a comfort (I hope).  I invited him to our Chi-Time meeting and hope he follows through as he said he would like to hang out.

Prayer Requests:
-That I would do my job well
-That I would do my project job well
-For more opportunities to share the Gospel at work and on campus
-For the ministry in general
-That Jose would come to Chi-Time
-For Gareth
-For Jose
…that they come to know the Lord.

-Michelle accepting Christ!!
-Growing fellowship
-God’s sanctification and refinement of me and others here
-God showing me my sin and correcting me.
-For God’s grace
-Many great spiritual conversations
-God’s work here


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 26

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

Day 26:



I will start by saying I had a great day at work today!  The evil one was definitely trying to throw a stick in my spoke so to speak:  I was late getting to work because the train was late.  I was frustrated at first because as a 'punishment' I was given a bad section of tables to serve.  I was frustrated more I think, because I want to be a good example; to be a good steward of the job God has provided.  However, I apologized to the boss and he said "just don't let it happen again", and I confessed to the Father and told Him I want to be a good steward and a light that shines--honoring His name.  ...God in His mercy and grace, used the fact that I was put in a bad/slow section for His glory.  It is amazing how God is sovereign over all and ordains even the minor details.  It never ceases to amaze me.  During the slow time I was able to engage in spiritual conversation with one of my fellow employees. [The training we receive here is definitely worth it and is being implemented almost regularly] God used the tools that I am being equipped with (along with ones that I already had been given, that are being improved) and is speaking through me.  I am merely a vessel, a steward, a child striving to be obedient with the help of the Holy Spirit.  In my conversation with David I was able to give a version of my testimony (see the 3-minute testimony I refer to in earlier posts), and to share the Gospel with Him.  I have been blessed to share the Gospel with many people..and even to lead some to Christ...but this was different.  I did not use the Knowing God Personally guide (I've shared the Gospel without it before), and it was done in a more relational manor as opposed to was workplace sharing...done in a more informal manor.  Its had been a blessing from God to have these opportunities and the training.  More important is a blessing to be a vessel for the Holy be equipped with His empowerment and the Truth of God in Christ Jesus.

Something that has also been great about work is its really starting to shape up, to congeal.  I was really questioning "God, why this place, why not a retail store--where I have experience and can bring the acquired experiences back home."  But I really am starting to believe that God has me there specifically for a very detailed and specific reason.  There are people there that God has for me to witness to and He wants me specifically, uniquely me, there for His work.  In addition, it has been both humbling and stretching--getting me out of my comfort zone for sure.  Moreover, because it is on a beach and there are visual temptations, I have been blessed to trust and rely on God for guidance and help there as well.

Over this past weekend we went to the Taste of Chicago.  The Taste of Chicago spans many city blocks--centralizing around Millennium Park and features over 59 vendors from restaurants all over the city (from large chains to Chicago exclusives, down to mom n pops).  There are also activities and live music. This is one of the few outreaches we do as an entire project.  All 100 + students and staff moved in small pockets to the train station and squeezed into the L trains, pressing the already busy train cars to what seemed like their full capacity.  Once off the L we trekked over to the location of the Taste.  As we approached, the loud sounds of music coated the air.  Foreign smells and some familiar, competed for control of our senses.  The crowd moved in packs like herded cattle, lured by the tantalizing sights, sounds, and smells.  Some straggled off, tarrying as if they were leaves scattered in the wind, distracted by a new excitement for the senses.
Many cultures come together here, many tribes and nations, many walks of life.  As we stepped in to meet the people in their needs, to bring them the truth of life in God through Christ, I was reminded of the books of 1 and 2 Corinthians.  God painted images and a tapestry of information wove into my mind.  This Taste of Chicago, this city of Chicago, is not unlike the city of Corinth in that it is in many ways a hub.  It is a coming together of many diverse cultures.  Many divergent philosophies and faiths.  Belief and unbelief.  Many of the faith, many of a faith and many of no faith.  It is here, like in the city of Corinth, that truth and lies converge.  God walked with us as we brought the one truth with us: the hope of Jesus Christ, the good news of the Gospel of our King Jesus Christ.  There can only be one truth and it does in fact prevail.
We had many great conversations. The men were partnered with ladies to keep the ladies safe.  I was partnered with a staff woman named Linsey.  There is a scale -10 being intense atheist 0 being just accepted Christ and 10 being seasoned Christian.  We had many conversations that took non-believers and moved them up on the scale, potentially closer to accepting Christ.  Seeds were planted.  Seeds were watered.  We talked to a couple who were raised Christian but from two different backgrounds.  They were struggling with the problems of Christianity--historical instances of problems, how Christianity might look, pushing it on others.  It was clear they had both had bad experiences.   They were wrestling with the ideas of 'just being a good person' and 'why doesn't God accept people who don't accept Jesus' and so on.  They made it clear in conversation that they had had one too many bad experiences with Christians that left bad tastes in their mouths (no pun intended).  God used us to shine his light on show them the true love of Christ and to challenge some of their erroneous thinking as well and point them to truth.  We also had a conversation with a couple who were Catholic but looking for a church....they were currently non-practicing.  The boyfriend was clearly not a believer but I don't know about the was harder to tell.  We talked with them about prayer, a relationship with God through Christ as opposed to just going through the motions of rituals or just pew-sitting in the church.  Authentic faith as opposed to cold religion.  We encouraged them to get involved in a good local congregation and got contact info to hopefully follow-up with them for further and deeper discussion.  Linsey and I also had great conversation with each other.  I learned that she is dealing with many of the same struggles.  It was good to know that I had someone here that was in a similar position.
God is glorious:  we all got together after the outreach to celebrate what He had done through us.  CELEBRATE WITH US:  many people came to Christ through the outreach at the Taste of Chicago!!!!!!! God is bringing His people to Him!!!!  Moreover, many people are steps closer to Him or to accepting Him!!

We continue to have many great, deep, and very intellectual spiritual conversations of the campus of the University of Chicago.  I have at times, I confess, struggled to know why God has me here...but the great training and teaching we've received here along with opportunities to use past experience and the current training as well as the great and challenging conversations of campus and at work show me why I am here.  Moreover, God is challenging me, growing me, and shaping me here.  Teaching me.
We had a conversation with a guy --ironically named Chris-- who was a scientist:  physics and biology.  I expected him to bring many great challenges or to be antagonistic.  He actually was very eager to discuss God and theology and claimed to be a believer.  Something he said that struck me was "From a scientific standpoint, something does or does not exist and is not changed--is not dependent on--whether I believe something to be true or not."  He was saying that as a scientist.  Then he applied it to faith..."God exists and Christ is who He says He is...whether I believe it or not." ...The difficult thing was determining if he actually believed it or not...because that is so crucial. Faith.

An update on some other things...

Bacho shared with us that he was accepted to Oxford University.  He shared that he was struck by the Holy Spirit and he was given a vision of the Schott basketball stadium full of students converted--entered into relationship with God through Christ.  He felt like he was at a crossroads...he could do what the world told him...the success of attaining a Doctorate from Oxford...or he could do what was more eternally strive for this Schott Center goal.  He turned down Oxford!!!!  He pursued the Lord and this goal and God blessed him...he was approached by Durham University/Seminary for his Doctorate and this program would allow for him to continue in his campus ministry AND attend the University. AND...Durham is actually now considered a more credible seminary now.  HOW AWESOME!?

We started our new talk series with Nancy Bartolick leading off...our new talk series is Magnificent Community.  We are discussing the theological and spiritual aspects of community and the body of Christ as well as what causes problems therein.

New brothers and sisters in Christ!! ...Blessings from the Taste of Chicago
Great conversations at work and on Campus
Great quiet times
Deep connections growing within the community here

For continued growth in strong biblical community
That I would lay down any expectations
Pray for continued conversations with my co-workers DREW, MIKE, CHRIS, and DAVID
Pray for evangelism on campus and that we can get follow-up conversations
Pray as the staff are leaving soon that we will remain strong and grown stronger in community

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 17

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

DAY 17


Just want to catch you all up to speed on things I've learned here:  about the project in general and from God through teaching here.  Moreover, I want to catch you all up on things God is doing here.

Still so much to learn...

Our project is new.  I've learned that the Chicago summer project is only in its 3rd year and is still in the process of forming in many ways.  The challenging thing about that is that many things are still up in the air or are on a trail and error basis--so in a true sense it is indeed not unlike a church plant.  The great thing about it is that we get to help shape the future of this project.  We get to 'decode' the campuses we are working on:  interviewing, investigating, and learning where the hot-spots are, when the busy times are, what events happen on campus, what organizations are present, and what the demographics are.  To varying degrees we are even learning which campus are hot.  The beauty is that we get to build on the last 3 years and take it so much further.  Further still, the fact that we are here so long provides a good chunk of time to get things moving and its good to know that when we leave, there are staff here that can do additional follow-ups. 

Learning by being led...
God is so good.  Through hard times, tough and discouraging situations, and the intensity of a city in desperate need of Jesus...God is working.  He is on the move and He is equipping his children.  The staff here are so solid and we have the privilege of receiving a massive amount of training in God's word through bible studies, personal time with Jesus (we affectionately call dates with Jesus or quiet times), quiet time and bible study methods training, weekly meetings (including worship), leadership training, personal testimony training ('your testimony in 3 minutes) and exhaustive evangelism training.  We also have Chi-Time, which is a time of worship:  sharing stories, songs (for which I am blessed to play guitar), and fellowship.  Additionally, during Chi-Time we hear another talk (sermon) and receive--you guessed it--more training.  Thursdays are nights when we have 'Impact Team' when a men's Action Group (bible study group) gets together with a lady's study group and discusses evangelism and their assigned campus(es).  This group consists of 6 guys and 6 girls and 3 staff.  Our assigned campuses are University of Chicago and Malcolm X.

God teaches in many languages...
Sundays we go to Willow Chicago:  a satellite church lead by Bill Hybels, in the inner-city of Chicago.  Church is held in an old opera house theatre.  The church is involved in teaching bible studies to the homeless, 'end-hunger' campaigns and many other inner-city focused ministries.
With this past sunday being Father's Day...the topic of teaching was biblical Fatherhood. The scriptures were Luke 3
Psalm 68:5
Psalm 103:8
...he also preached on the Father/Son separation Jesus experienced with the death of Joseph but the first true Father/Son separation Jesus truly experienced:  the cross.
We also heard from a famous Chicago Bears football player about being a father. 

Bacho, our project director is from Georgia in former Soviet Union.  Though he speaks it beautifully and articulately, English is his 3rd language.  He is about to finish his doctorate/PHD in theology from Oxford University in England--and no thats not online, he travels to England to study. INTENSE!!  This guy is super knowledgeable and its such a blessing!!
Some interesting things I've been learning:
We have themes of study/teaching.  So far there's been 'Magnificent Faith' and 'Magnificent Identity'.  
Bacho said "you should live a life that would make no sense at all if it wasn't true that Christ died for your sin and resurrected."  So challenging.  Moreover, he taught from Galatians and talked about how rather than living to gain eternity, living a life that reflects that we are citizens of eternity with God now.  How that should shape our attitudes and help us love...because Christ has made us citizens of eternity with God.  He talks about how Paul reversed the idea of striving for eternity to striving BECAUSE of eternity in the book of Galatians. It was so solid.
We moved into the 'Identity' talks...we discussed how the world fights to define us but that our identities are only true in Christ.  So much of what I'm learning is much of what I am learning is a refresher...and so good.
Bacho also gave a talk on 'How to Choose a Church'...that was very interesting.

We've gotten more campus sharing times which is awesome...I'd like to share a few stories with you from that...

My friend Adam went out sharing...he's from California.  He ran into someone from Asia who had moved to the states but not Chicago...he just happened to be visiting a friend in Chicago and was waiting.  As Adam mentioned to was nothing short of miraculous that God brought these two travelers together...and why? So that Adam could share a truth with him that he had never heard:  the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus.

My discipler, a couple other students, and I all went to University of Chicago and did sharing there.  I talked with and international student there (which is what I had been hopeful for and been praying about--thats another story all together).  His name is 'I.G.'...(he told me, "just write down I.G.") and he began the conversation with "I am an atheist"...through the conversation I learned that his mother had just recently become a Christian but that she never talked to him about it.  I also learned a lot about his scientific approach to understanding the world.  I simply asked, "do you believe there is any place for the spiritual and that science and spiritual can co-exist?" He agreed and we discussed further.  God ordained and guided that was so amazing.  You have to understand the nature of the campus:  they are almost all grad students and are ALL highly intellectual...valuing the debate above all.  Through this conversation I was able to tell him about who Jesus is (because he confessed he really knew very little about Jesus-who he was, what he said, etc), the claims, and so forth.  Through our conversation I shared the gospel with him.  He had said that his issue was primarily with the resurrection...but as I explained who Jesus claimed to be and that, as CS Lewis says, Jesus left no room for the 'only a moral teacher' route--He either is who He claimed to be or was evil--and when we see his character, and other evidences (outside books, etc) that Jesus must have been telling the truth, I.G. began to secede that many of the things we discussed he hadn't heard before and/or didn't know.  It was so powerful that God took I.G. from being an atheist who had no idea about Jesus but had only made assumptions, etc, to a person who is [prayerfully/hopefully] thinking about God and has learned truth he had never heard before.  Afterwards, we exchanged e-mails and parted ways.  I prayerfully hope that I get to talk with him again soon.

I talked with another gentleman...who said he was post-Christian...meaning he was a Christian but was no longer.  He said that he viewed the Bible and Jesus as simply moral teaching--a Jeffersonian view of Jesus and Scripture--he, like Jefferson, felt there was no place for miracles or the divine...simply moral teachings.  He said, however, that he based his morals on Christian teachings.  Again I brought up the point the CS Lewis makes that Jesus is either Lord, Lunatic, or Liar...and no that there is no room for any other possibility.  He then said, "I think Jesus was just a charlatan and a that some people will fall for anything if it sounds good enough to believe."  He failed to see the hypocrisy in his logic...that he bases his morals on someone who is--in his eyes--a charlatan.  It made no sense...other than he was lost and in great need of prayer.

Lastly, I shared with a grad-student named Greg.  Greg is a socialist and again deemed himself "only a Catholic because my family is".  He saw Christianity as more of a means of enslavement and that most "evangelical and even some Catholic Christians only help to stop the problems of the world with ulterior motives."  I brought up many pieces of scripture and also statistic information in the form of questions.  It dawned on me that many of the topics of discussion came back to world problems...and I discussed with him the root of all of it:  sin.  I told him that many of the topics we discussed were contained in the book 'Mere Christianity' by CS Lewis...and on the bright side, he actually wanted a copy of the book (which I had).  He took the book, saying that he would indeed read it. 

I found myself in tears for the people and in tears of joy for the work God is doing on hearts there. 

This weekend we are going to the taste of Chicago to do some evangelism there.  I am excited for that.

Great conversations on campus and at work
A great deal of wisdom is being poured out here
Building community

Prayer Requests:
Pray for I.G.--that God would use our conversation to work on his heart...and that I get to have a second/follow-up conversation/meeting with him.
Pray for Greg, that God would use our conversation to work on his heart as well...and that God would use the book 'Mere Christianity' to speak to Greg and reveal truth to him.
That either my current job works out or I find a solid one
For the Taste of Chicago ministry
For everyone to find jobs
That we continue to get contacts for ministry opportunities and events

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 9

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011


My apologies for the delay in posting.  Things have been crazy busy.  We have been job hunting (as I am sorry to report the job I locked in may be sketchy), having evangelism meetings, having sermon meetings, training, and so on.  We did a prayer event where we broke into groups, took the EL all the way to the edge of the city, and made stops to at key locations all the way and prayed for specific things:  the local ministries, local struggles, and so on.

Today:  Sunday, we went to a local church:  Willow Chicago.  Willow Chicago is Bill Hybels' satellite church.  Their worship band was beautiful.  A coming together of African American, Asian, and Caucasian peoples.  The band features kids dancing and before the songs, children read scripture.  It was amazing.  The congregation is made up of people from all walks of life:  inner-city, suburbs, and all races.  We heard a message from Chuck Coleson and his daughter.

In the evening we had 'Impact group' which is our men's action group meeting with a women's action group (leaders bible study groups) to discuss evangelism planning, tactics, results, and so on.  Then all the men on project and all the women on project broke off and had men's and women's times.  In our men's time, we discussed what our roles are as men--leading and setting the tone--on this trip.  Then we played line soccer.  There's a lot of accountability and vulnerability here which is solid.

-Solid teaching and ministry
-God's work in Chicago

Prayer Requests:
-That I would be open to what God has to teach me here.
-That God would make clear what He is surfacing from within me and deal with it miraculously
-For opportunities to pour into men here
-That I would continually be renewed
-Prayers against the lies of the evil one and his tactics
-Strong community

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 7

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011


First off I apologize for not posting yesterday...but I really didn't have anything to report.  I do want to say that I had a great conversation with my 'home-discipler' Royce.  We talked about some of my hard heart issues and we cried together and prayed together.  I have been struggling with sin and feeling distant from God.  I felt I had been putting myself on the selfish throne of my heart.  Moreover, like a fool--not unlike the Israelites of  the Old Testament, I had traded the glory of God for self-indulgence and for the approval of others.  I already struggle to feel loved, excepted, listened to, and wanted. The evil one had used those insecurities to entice me to seek the things of this world:  respect, approval, etc in a selfish, sinful way.  It left me drained and empty, and paranoid.  As I confessed these things out I was reminded of the Israelites and of the words of when we run from God, He disciplines us...but He seeks us and welcomes us back with open arms.  I could feel the power of the confession, of the welcoming arms of Christ.  What I would say  to come away with is this:  you can never run too far...Christ will welcome you with open arms.

So today was special because it was mine and my action group's first day on campus doing ministry.  We went to the prestigious University of Chicago.  The old architecture is picturesque.  The gargoyles and angel statues watch over you as you navigate the winding halls--which inspire imaginations and I'm sure have been captured on film.  The ivy climbs the stone walls and the pressure rises as we step onto the dark ivy-league campus.  The wind pushed and the rain fell, but we pushed on in the spirit of Christ.

We did surveys and engaged in spiritual conversations with students and even staff.  The conversation with the staff was difficult:  UoC boasts 83+ Nobel Laureates and an overwhelming percentage of grad students.  The conversations went well however.  The objective was to get to the gospel but also to gauge the campus and learn even more about the demographics (which have already been researched--but with the ever-changing campus--it is important to keep a feel on things.  Also, it helps US to take responsibility to learn it ourselves).

We got to discuss God, the bible, and Christ with an Oxford-trained math teacher, a math student, a linguistics student, and 3 med graduates.  We conveyed the gospel to the med students and conversed on the nature of God and the validity of the bible with a French Linguistics student.

Once we got back to the campus we had another weekly meeting.  Bacho lead a teaching on the first 10 verses of Galatians.  A teaching that brought me to tears.  Never leave your post.  Gospel:  evangellion, was a political term which referred to the new way of life under a new ruler. The good news.  Paul adapts it to refer to the good news of salvation through Christ.  Does the Gospel mean enough to you to devote EVERY part of your life to.  It was for John and Betty Stamm...the family Bacho talked about that was killed for their faith. Will it convert, change, shape, and permeate your life as it did the Apostle Paul's....who lived for the Gospel of Christ.  Doulos!! To become a slave of Christ....will we be enslaved by the things of the world or enslaved to the glory and love of Christ who's burden and yoke is light.

In Christ, for Christ,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 5

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

DAY 5:


So I had really been struggling before coming on project.  School was hard this past semester and there was drama at work before I left.  I had basically allowed all those things to pull my focus off of Christ.  I had become lazy and self-indulgent and pretty selfish in general.  I was counting on God to use Project to revitalize me...but I came in drained.  I already struggle with feeling loved, excepted, listened to, and wanted.  I hadn't struggled with it in years but for some reason had been struggling with that again.  In addition, I had been struggling with feeling like a failure.  In those weak moments you can be filled by Christ's spirit or you begin to believe lies.  I had become angry and was questioning if it was all worth it.  Therefore...when I came on Project my nerves were exposed, so to speak.  I think thats part of some of the tension...on top of being the only one from NKU not on staff here and being the oldest here.  BUT I hope and believe that God will use that unique circumstance to really speak to some people here (including other students on the project) and in some ways He already is.  There's a real increase in vulnerability and accountability.  There is an obvious element of spiritual warfare but God simply and affectively uses it to grow us.

So we went job hunting today and searched all over again.  One of the places we went to:  Tuscany, recommended we go to Castaways near the Navy Pier.  Well we went every where but there (Jordan, Bekah and I)...but as we wound up our search--on the hottest day so far--God put it on my heart to persist on Castaways.  Jordan was exhausted by the heat and headed back...Bekah agreed to go to Castaways with me...We got there and the manager asked us to fill out apps (Bekah and I) and said "then we'll talk".  After we turned them in he asked a few simple questions then said:  "come back friday to start orientation" was great!! Praise God!

We had our first Action Group tonight as well:  leader's studies.  We discussed Galatians and a paradigm method of 'on-the-job evangelism' called Cojourners...there was some great vulnerability there.

Great day!!

-Vulnerability and connections forming

Prayer requests:
-That God would use me there at work

Monday, June 6, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 4

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

Chicago Job Hunt--1 Christopher Montgomery--0 ...There will be Another Day Chicago...Another Day:

Today we were in the lobby by 8am to go out and job hunt.  We had a lot of good prospects...many of the people even got jobs on the spot!!

After 8 hrs of job hunting we came back for food and then our first weekly meeting at a church in inner-city Chicago.  Myself and some of the guys took a wrong turn and got into an even worse part of town.  We did make it however, and we got to learn more about the campuses we'll be working on.  Moreover, we learned more about putting together ethnic bible studies and forming movements on campuses in the area.  Pretty exciting.

However, I am still struggling to make connections with the people here.  I am perplexed...I don't feel like myself or even human sometimes.  I'm genuinely concerned.  I wonder what this means for the ministry BUT I am hopeful for where it will go.

-Good job prospects
-Good first meeting

Prayer Requests:
-For a job
-For the ministry
-For community
-For my faith/relationship with Christ to grow

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 3

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

DAY 3:  Training Day (the sequel)

We started today by making our own breakfast in the rooms then reported down to the lobby and had another devotional (an extended one because it's Sunday).  Then it was right into evangelism training.  The session was roughly an hour or two long...which felt much longer because the lobby reduced to a claustrophobic nature because of all the staff and students.  And have I mentioned it gets hot in there?  In case not:  "IT GETS HOT IN THERE."

The training was exceptional--as per usual--and God used some of the wisdom and experience He has so graciously given me over the years, to help a younger student in learning evangelism techniques and some of the heart behind that.  Evangelism techniques and purpose has been a big topic of discussion amongst us guys (and I'm sure the ladies too).

After lunch we broke into teams, which consisted of two to three staff then 4 to 5 students, and went on a scavenger hunt.  The heart behind this was to essentially--in a manner of speaking--throw us into the deep end!  To really immerse us in Chicago, giving us a crash course in navigating the city using the trains and buses.

The temperatures and humidity ran high, as did the tension.  People are still learning each other and adjusting to the fast pace and packed schedules.  Adding to the stress level:  nervousness about finding jobs, as only a few people have jobs so far.  Furthermore, the evil one is putting the pressure on as he knows we are prepping to storm the campuses and the city for Christ.

I confess I have found myself succumbing to the frustrations at times.  I'm finding it hard to be my normal, outgoing, never-met-a-stranger self.  I confess to I've been a bit too concerned about how people will perceive me and if they will like me etc etc. While I think these are normal insecurities when first stepping into a new environment, I fear I've stressed a bit too much on it.  I'm too critical of myself and put on too much pressure.  However as our project director Bacho B said:  "Eventually the fine china gets put away and the chipped dishes come out."

On a positive I have had some great conversations today and we got to do some job hunting: a team member got a job on the spot!!

-Annie getting a job today
-Great devotional today

Prayer Requests:
-That God would release the tension and continue to build relations.
-Pray that the chipped dishes would come out
-That I would find my security and identity in Christ ALONE
-For a JOB
-That I would surrender to Christ and the sweet Holy Spirit daily

thank you all...

In Christ, for Christ,

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 2

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project

DAY 2:  Orientation/Training

Sleep was rough last night:  tossing and turning on small bed, back stiff and expectant thoughts overflowing my mind.  I was so tired, yet my synapses and curiosities seemed to awake to peek efficiency then.  Moreover, the evil one had decided it time to heap every deception and negative speak on to me.  Something big is going to go down here in Chicago ladies and gentlemen.  As the saying goes:  I can feel it in my bones.  The evil one is nervous.  And so, I prayed until I fell asleep.

Preparation of the Team --Gettin' PUMPED:
The day started with a provided breakfast and fellowship, followed by a solid devotional in Psalms led by our project director.  Then the lengthy orientation, training, and overview began.  I compare it to the info-dump for all you English/Writing/Lit -savvy folks out there.

This is can be exciting or drag on.  The former was the case for us today:  Even though the 60-something men and women packed into the small lobby generated enough heat to run an engine, we were all sitting with eager faces, just happy to learn the ins and outs of the project.

Our loft is situated between three of the the biggest and most key college campuses in Chicago.  In Illinois for that matter.  It is on these campuses we will take the Message--the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus our King.

What followed was the handing out of our 200 + page bible reading and studying book.  Here on this project, maybe even more so than on other projects, we receive in-depth, very thorough training on the Bible:  study method(s) and meanings.  We will also engage in Action Groups (leaders Bible studies), decipleship, and evangelism training.

After all the orientation, including the do's and don't's of living in Chicago, we were taken out to lunch in the local area, which sits at the intersection of Italian-town and Greek-town.  After eating some Gyros, we went grocery and supply shopping--because you never grocery shop on an empty stomach.

Next was dinner with roommates and some great fellowship.  Our room--the music room we call it--(there are myself and another guy named Alex who are musicians) has become like the central hub and hang out.

We closed the evening with 'Something Fun'...we played several name-game and personal orientation events to really get to know each other.

The struggles are there: just some insecurities and such--many of which haven't bothered me in years.  I talked with my discipler about them.  Just the struggle to feel loved, accepted, and valued.  But I'm trusting the Lord to rock it this summer!!

-A great day of training!!

Prayer Requests:
-For God to continue to build me up in Him
-That we can all get jobs locked in quickly!
-The mission as a whole

Friday, June 3, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 1

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

DAY 1:

Friends, Family, Loved-Ones:

We arrived safely today at 1pm.  Many of the students had already arrived however, many students will not get here until the 9th.  The men in my dorm and for that matter all of the students, are already connecting.  This my friends, is like a glimpse of Heaven.  This is the fellowship of the Body of Christ.  Christ is on everyone's lips and men are already being vulnerable and transparent, bold and engaging in each other's lives as God intended.  The Holy Spirit is abound and the air is buzzing.  We are all pumped!!

-God's working on my heart
-The amazing fellowship and community here from the start

Prayer Requests:
-That myself and the other people on the Project would find jobs quickly
-That God would work through us in powerful ways
-God's continued work on my heart and others here as well
-For God to break open the hearts of those we will encounter here

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog Opener

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

Hello everyone,

I've started this blog as an online journal to document the events of this year's mission trip:  Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project.  My hope is to keep all you updated on the work God is doing through us this summer.  Here you will find prayers, praise reports, prayer requests, and other cool stories.  Please keep in touch.

I will be departing at 6am on Friday June 3rd and arriving in Chicago at roughly 12pm to report for CSP'11.

Here are some things you can be in prayer for:
-Safe/efficient travel
-My girlfriend Becky's car to be fixed and ready to go upon our arrival
-That God would provide a good job quickly
-That I would consistently be an open and willing vessel for the Lord's work in Chicago
-An efficient and God-honoring move-in
-First time meeting much of the staff and all of the fellow non-staff participants

Praise God for:
-Support goal being met and EXCEEDED!!
-Doors opening
-His calming my heart and His reassurance

In Christ, for Christ,
Christopher Montgomery