Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 17

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

DAY 17


Just want to catch you all up to speed on things I've learned here:  about the project in general and from God through teaching here.  Moreover, I want to catch you all up on things God is doing here.

Still so much to learn...

Our project is new.  I've learned that the Chicago summer project is only in its 3rd year and is still in the process of forming in many ways.  The challenging thing about that is that many things are still up in the air or are on a trail and error basis--so in a true sense it is indeed not unlike a church plant.  The great thing about it is that we get to help shape the future of this project.  We get to 'decode' the campuses we are working on:  interviewing, investigating, and learning where the hot-spots are, when the busy times are, what events happen on campus, what organizations are present, and what the demographics are.  To varying degrees we are even learning which campus are hot.  The beauty is that we get to build on the last 3 years and take it so much further.  Further still, the fact that we are here so long provides a good chunk of time to get things moving and its good to know that when we leave, there are staff here that can do additional follow-ups. 

Learning by being led...
God is so good.  Through hard times, tough and discouraging situations, and the intensity of a city in desperate need of Jesus...God is working.  He is on the move and He is equipping his children.  The staff here are so solid and we have the privilege of receiving a massive amount of training in God's word through bible studies, personal time with Jesus (we affectionately call dates with Jesus or quiet times), quiet time and bible study methods training, weekly meetings (including worship), leadership training, personal testimony training ('your testimony in 3 minutes) and exhaustive evangelism training.  We also have Chi-Time, which is a time of worship:  sharing stories, songs (for which I am blessed to play guitar), and fellowship.  Additionally, during Chi-Time we hear another talk (sermon) and receive--you guessed it--more training.  Thursdays are nights when we have 'Impact Team' when a men's Action Group (bible study group) gets together with a lady's study group and discusses evangelism and their assigned campus(es).  This group consists of 6 guys and 6 girls and 3 staff.  Our assigned campuses are University of Chicago and Malcolm X.

God teaches in many languages...
Sundays we go to Willow Chicago:  a satellite church lead by Bill Hybels, in the inner-city of Chicago.  Church is held in an old opera house theatre.  The church is involved in teaching bible studies to the homeless, 'end-hunger' campaigns and many other inner-city focused ministries.
With this past sunday being Father's Day...the topic of teaching was biblical Fatherhood. The scriptures were Luke 3
Psalm 68:5
Psalm 103:8
...he also preached on the Father/Son separation Jesus experienced with the death of Joseph but the first true Father/Son separation Jesus truly experienced:  the cross.
We also heard from a famous Chicago Bears football player about being a father. 

Bacho, our project director is from Georgia in former Soviet Union.  Though he speaks it beautifully and articulately, English is his 3rd language.  He is about to finish his doctorate/PHD in theology from Oxford University in England--and no thats not online, he travels to England to study. INTENSE!!  This guy is super knowledgeable and its such a blessing!!
Some interesting things I've been learning:
We have themes of study/teaching.  So far there's been 'Magnificent Faith' and 'Magnificent Identity'.  
Bacho said "you should live a life that would make no sense at all if it wasn't true that Christ died for your sin and resurrected."  So challenging.  Moreover, he taught from Galatians and talked about how rather than living to gain eternity, living a life that reflects that we are citizens of eternity with God now.  How that should shape our attitudes and help us love...because Christ has made us citizens of eternity with God.  He talks about how Paul reversed the idea of striving for eternity to striving BECAUSE of eternity in the book of Galatians. It was so solid.
We moved into the 'Identity' talks...we discussed how the world fights to define us but that our identities are only true in Christ.  So much of what I'm learning is much of what I am learning is a refresher...and so good.
Bacho also gave a talk on 'How to Choose a Church'...that was very interesting.

We've gotten more campus sharing times which is awesome...I'd like to share a few stories with you from that...

My friend Adam went out sharing...he's from California.  He ran into someone from Asia who had moved to the states but not Chicago...he just happened to be visiting a friend in Chicago and was waiting.  As Adam mentioned to was nothing short of miraculous that God brought these two travelers together...and why? So that Adam could share a truth with him that he had never heard:  the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus.

My discipler, a couple other students, and I all went to University of Chicago and did sharing there.  I talked with and international student there (which is what I had been hopeful for and been praying about--thats another story all together).  His name is 'I.G.'...(he told me, "just write down I.G.") and he began the conversation with "I am an atheist"...through the conversation I learned that his mother had just recently become a Christian but that she never talked to him about it.  I also learned a lot about his scientific approach to understanding the world.  I simply asked, "do you believe there is any place for the spiritual and that science and spiritual can co-exist?" He agreed and we discussed further.  God ordained and guided that was so amazing.  You have to understand the nature of the campus:  they are almost all grad students and are ALL highly intellectual...valuing the debate above all.  Through this conversation I was able to tell him about who Jesus is (because he confessed he really knew very little about Jesus-who he was, what he said, etc), the claims, and so forth.  Through our conversation I shared the gospel with him.  He had said that his issue was primarily with the resurrection...but as I explained who Jesus claimed to be and that, as CS Lewis says, Jesus left no room for the 'only a moral teacher' route--He either is who He claimed to be or was evil--and when we see his character, and other evidences (outside books, etc) that Jesus must have been telling the truth, I.G. began to secede that many of the things we discussed he hadn't heard before and/or didn't know.  It was so powerful that God took I.G. from being an atheist who had no idea about Jesus but had only made assumptions, etc, to a person who is [prayerfully/hopefully] thinking about God and has learned truth he had never heard before.  Afterwards, we exchanged e-mails and parted ways.  I prayerfully hope that I get to talk with him again soon.

I talked with another gentleman...who said he was post-Christian...meaning he was a Christian but was no longer.  He said that he viewed the Bible and Jesus as simply moral teaching--a Jeffersonian view of Jesus and Scripture--he, like Jefferson, felt there was no place for miracles or the divine...simply moral teachings.  He said, however, that he based his morals on Christian teachings.  Again I brought up the point the CS Lewis makes that Jesus is either Lord, Lunatic, or Liar...and no that there is no room for any other possibility.  He then said, "I think Jesus was just a charlatan and a that some people will fall for anything if it sounds good enough to believe."  He failed to see the hypocrisy in his logic...that he bases his morals on someone who is--in his eyes--a charlatan.  It made no sense...other than he was lost and in great need of prayer.

Lastly, I shared with a grad-student named Greg.  Greg is a socialist and again deemed himself "only a Catholic because my family is".  He saw Christianity as more of a means of enslavement and that most "evangelical and even some Catholic Christians only help to stop the problems of the world with ulterior motives."  I brought up many pieces of scripture and also statistic information in the form of questions.  It dawned on me that many of the topics of discussion came back to world problems...and I discussed with him the root of all of it:  sin.  I told him that many of the topics we discussed were contained in the book 'Mere Christianity' by CS Lewis...and on the bright side, he actually wanted a copy of the book (which I had).  He took the book, saying that he would indeed read it. 

I found myself in tears for the people and in tears of joy for the work God is doing on hearts there. 

This weekend we are going to the taste of Chicago to do some evangelism there.  I am excited for that.

Great conversations on campus and at work
A great deal of wisdom is being poured out here
Building community

Prayer Requests:
Pray for I.G.--that God would use our conversation to work on his heart...and that I get to have a second/follow-up conversation/meeting with him.
Pray for Greg, that God would use our conversation to work on his heart as well...and that God would use the book 'Mere Christianity' to speak to Greg and reveal truth to him.
That either my current job works out or I find a solid one
For the Taste of Chicago ministry
For everyone to find jobs
That we continue to get contacts for ministry opportunities and events

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