Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Christopher Montgomery's Summer Project/Missions Blog: DAY 26

Campus Crusade for Christ's Chicago Summer Project 2011

Day 26:



I will start by saying I had a great day at work today!  The evil one was definitely trying to throw a stick in my spoke so to speak:  I was late getting to work because the train was late.  I was frustrated at first because as a 'punishment' I was given a bad section of tables to serve.  I was frustrated more I think, because I want to be a good example; to be a good steward of the job God has provided.  However, I apologized to the boss and he said "just don't let it happen again", and I confessed to the Father and told Him I want to be a good steward and a light that shines--honoring His name.  ...God in His mercy and grace, used the fact that I was put in a bad/slow section for His glory.  It is amazing how God is sovereign over all and ordains even the minor details.  It never ceases to amaze me.  During the slow time I was able to engage in spiritual conversation with one of my fellow employees. [The training we receive here is definitely worth it and is being implemented almost regularly] God used the tools that I am being equipped with (along with ones that I already had been given, that are being improved) and is speaking through me.  I am merely a vessel, a steward, a child striving to be obedient with the help of the Holy Spirit.  In my conversation with David I was able to give a version of my testimony (see the 3-minute testimony I refer to in earlier posts), and to share the Gospel with Him.  I have been blessed to share the Gospel with many people..and even to lead some to Christ...but this was different.  I did not use the Knowing God Personally guide (I've shared the Gospel without it before), and it was done in a more relational manor as opposed to was workplace sharing...done in a more informal manor.  Its had been a blessing from God to have these opportunities and the training.  More important is a blessing to be a vessel for the Holy be equipped with His empowerment and the Truth of God in Christ Jesus.

Something that has also been great about work is its really starting to shape up, to congeal.  I was really questioning "God, why this place, why not a retail store--where I have experience and can bring the acquired experiences back home."  But I really am starting to believe that God has me there specifically for a very detailed and specific reason.  There are people there that God has for me to witness to and He wants me specifically, uniquely me, there for His work.  In addition, it has been both humbling and stretching--getting me out of my comfort zone for sure.  Moreover, because it is on a beach and there are visual temptations, I have been blessed to trust and rely on God for guidance and help there as well.

Over this past weekend we went to the Taste of Chicago.  The Taste of Chicago spans many city blocks--centralizing around Millennium Park and features over 59 vendors from restaurants all over the city (from large chains to Chicago exclusives, down to mom n pops).  There are also activities and live music. This is one of the few outreaches we do as an entire project.  All 100 + students and staff moved in small pockets to the train station and squeezed into the L trains, pressing the already busy train cars to what seemed like their full capacity.  Once off the L we trekked over to the location of the Taste.  As we approached, the loud sounds of music coated the air.  Foreign smells and some familiar, competed for control of our senses.  The crowd moved in packs like herded cattle, lured by the tantalizing sights, sounds, and smells.  Some straggled off, tarrying as if they were leaves scattered in the wind, distracted by a new excitement for the senses.
Many cultures come together here, many tribes and nations, many walks of life.  As we stepped in to meet the people in their needs, to bring them the truth of life in God through Christ, I was reminded of the books of 1 and 2 Corinthians.  God painted images and a tapestry of information wove into my mind.  This Taste of Chicago, this city of Chicago, is not unlike the city of Corinth in that it is in many ways a hub.  It is a coming together of many diverse cultures.  Many divergent philosophies and faiths.  Belief and unbelief.  Many of the faith, many of a faith and many of no faith.  It is here, like in the city of Corinth, that truth and lies converge.  God walked with us as we brought the one truth with us: the hope of Jesus Christ, the good news of the Gospel of our King Jesus Christ.  There can only be one truth and it does in fact prevail.
We had many great conversations. The men were partnered with ladies to keep the ladies safe.  I was partnered with a staff woman named Linsey.  There is a scale -10 being intense atheist 0 being just accepted Christ and 10 being seasoned Christian.  We had many conversations that took non-believers and moved them up on the scale, potentially closer to accepting Christ.  Seeds were planted.  Seeds were watered.  We talked to a couple who were raised Christian but from two different backgrounds.  They were struggling with the problems of Christianity--historical instances of problems, how Christianity might look, pushing it on others.  It was clear they had both had bad experiences.   They were wrestling with the ideas of 'just being a good person' and 'why doesn't God accept people who don't accept Jesus' and so on.  They made it clear in conversation that they had had one too many bad experiences with Christians that left bad tastes in their mouths (no pun intended).  God used us to shine his light on show them the true love of Christ and to challenge some of their erroneous thinking as well and point them to truth.  We also had a conversation with a couple who were Catholic but looking for a church....they were currently non-practicing.  The boyfriend was clearly not a believer but I don't know about the was harder to tell.  We talked with them about prayer, a relationship with God through Christ as opposed to just going through the motions of rituals or just pew-sitting in the church.  Authentic faith as opposed to cold religion.  We encouraged them to get involved in a good local congregation and got contact info to hopefully follow-up with them for further and deeper discussion.  Linsey and I also had great conversation with each other.  I learned that she is dealing with many of the same struggles.  It was good to know that I had someone here that was in a similar position.
God is glorious:  we all got together after the outreach to celebrate what He had done through us.  CELEBRATE WITH US:  many people came to Christ through the outreach at the Taste of Chicago!!!!!!! God is bringing His people to Him!!!!  Moreover, many people are steps closer to Him or to accepting Him!!

We continue to have many great, deep, and very intellectual spiritual conversations of the campus of the University of Chicago.  I have at times, I confess, struggled to know why God has me here...but the great training and teaching we've received here along with opportunities to use past experience and the current training as well as the great and challenging conversations of campus and at work show me why I am here.  Moreover, God is challenging me, growing me, and shaping me here.  Teaching me.
We had a conversation with a guy --ironically named Chris-- who was a scientist:  physics and biology.  I expected him to bring many great challenges or to be antagonistic.  He actually was very eager to discuss God and theology and claimed to be a believer.  Something he said that struck me was "From a scientific standpoint, something does or does not exist and is not changed--is not dependent on--whether I believe something to be true or not."  He was saying that as a scientist.  Then he applied it to faith..."God exists and Christ is who He says He is...whether I believe it or not." ...The difficult thing was determining if he actually believed it or not...because that is so crucial. Faith.

An update on some other things...

Bacho shared with us that he was accepted to Oxford University.  He shared that he was struck by the Holy Spirit and he was given a vision of the Schott basketball stadium full of students converted--entered into relationship with God through Christ.  He felt like he was at a crossroads...he could do what the world told him...the success of attaining a Doctorate from Oxford...or he could do what was more eternally strive for this Schott Center goal.  He turned down Oxford!!!!  He pursued the Lord and this goal and God blessed him...he was approached by Durham University/Seminary for his Doctorate and this program would allow for him to continue in his campus ministry AND attend the University. AND...Durham is actually now considered a more credible seminary now.  HOW AWESOME!?

We started our new talk series with Nancy Bartolick leading off...our new talk series is Magnificent Community.  We are discussing the theological and spiritual aspects of community and the body of Christ as well as what causes problems therein.

New brothers and sisters in Christ!! ...Blessings from the Taste of Chicago
Great conversations at work and on Campus
Great quiet times
Deep connections growing within the community here

For continued growth in strong biblical community
That I would lay down any expectations
Pray for continued conversations with my co-workers DREW, MIKE, CHRIS, and DAVID
Pray for evangelism on campus and that we can get follow-up conversations
Pray as the staff are leaving soon that we will remain strong and grown stronger in community

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